Hudson Taylor was an English Missionary in China in the 1800's. He wanted all the Chineese people to know of Jesus' love for them. At first, none of the Missionary societies of his church would sponsor him. He deciced to take on this task with only the help of God. He left his home in Europe and went to China!!!! He went from village to village telling these people of God's love. He felt such love for these people and wanted to be able to witness to them more. He decided that the only way to effectively witness to them was to become one with them. He took off his European clothes and began to dress like the China men. Some of the other European Missionaries told him he was a disgrace. But his great love for his Chineese bretheren compelled him to be closer with them. He dressed like them, ate their food, cared for their sick, and shared his Jesus. He endured great privations in China.
As I watched this movie, my mind began to reflect on the Greatest Missionary that ever was!! You see my bible tells me that Jesus so loved me that He left a home where the angels loved and adored Him and came to a world full of sin and hatred to show me His great love for me!!! He took off His Kingly robes and dressed in carpenters clothes to demonstrate this love to me!!! He went through great humiliation and torture because of His love for me. He was spat upon, beaten, and hung upon a cross naked for all to see for me!! He took the punishment that I so deserved. It was my sinful actions that caused all this suffering to Him. As I look at this great love for me, my love for Him grows and I want everyone to know of this love. It wasn't just for me He came. It was for the whole world!! "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begottten Son"