Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Touched by an Angel
"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." Heb. 13:2
"Okay, I'm not going to church today, I thought to myself." But as time went on, I realized that I needed to go, but where? I didn't want to go to my church because by the time I got dressed and got there, it would be way past the 11:00 hour and I probably wouldn't get a seat. And besides, today I needed simplicity. I decided to visit a small church that was close to where I live. I arrived during the 11:00 hour and so I just found me a seat at the end of one of the middle pews. As the pastor began his sermon "Righteousness by Faith," I was thinking, "Where is he going with this?" Then it happened. In walked in a man with terribly matted hair and several layers of clothing. He sat on the pew with me. I thought, "Uh oh. Is this a crazy? Did he come here to kill us all?" I began to smell a horrible smell. The smell was so horrible that I started feeling nauseated. I had my coat around me so I lifted it up a little closer to cover part of my nose. I started praying. "Lord this is your child too. Help me with the smell." As the pastor began giving out bible text, I noticed that the man was looking on back of the pew for a bible. I offered him mine. He began searching for the text (the print is so small in my bible that only me and Jesus can see it. (lol)) and I noticed that he was having a little trouble finding it. I got closer to him and helped him. I was praying, "Lord please help me with the smell." I now noticed that the smell wasn't so bad anymore. I began to praise God in my heart. When the sermon was over, we were told the hymn to sing. It was Cover With His Life. I saw the man look through the hymnal but he looked like he couldn't find it. Then I noticed that the man began singing this hymn from memory with much gusto! I got excited! When we finished, he smiled at me. I noticed that he was missing some teeth. He handed me back my bible and said with a feeling of great joy, "Happy Sabbath." He gave me a big hug!! His joy transferred to me. Who was this? Was he homeless or what? He left without me getting to know his name so I gave him one. Angel. The next time you see someone who doesn't quite look altogether, remember my Angel.
May God Bless you this day.


~yolanda said...

What a lovely post. God has been impressing me to get my house in order so that I am ready at all times to "entertain". What a joy to connect with those that Jesus paid for!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful spiritual lesson! Thank you for sharing!